Sunday, December 9, 2012

An Assorted Collection of Animal Rights Poems.


Fished out of the water,
Dragged for our skin-
Just to make pretty clothes,
this happens to my kin!
We are caught by nets
At the edge of the water,
Pulled out and lured,
Soon to be sent for slaughter.

Dolphin Leather Bags

Our skin, I hear, makes nice bags-

But do those buy them know,
What we go through,

Just for the nice dresses with big price tags?

Our home, the water,
Transforms into a place of slaughter-
As our throats are bled,
The beautiful blue water turns bright red!

As my friends’ bodies shudder,
With their last breaths,

I think what harm we did to humans,

To be victims of this slaughter and death? 

 Watch This Video
"Dolphin Slaughter in Denmark"
Its a very shocking and saddest thing to see.

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