Sunday, December 16, 2012

A Day In The Forest

A Day In The Forest
The woods were green,
The glass glowed with sheen
The tree trunks are brown,
And the only noise is from a nearby town.

The tigers crouch alert in the shade,
The grass doesn't quiver, not even a blade,
The deer’s nervous hooves hustle,
Making dry autumn leaves rustle.
The birds have stopped chirping
They all sense evil close by lurking.

Suddenly an Engine roars,
Into the blue sky a frightened bird soars,
The animals spy,
Somewhere nearby,
A groups of humans with yellow helmets,
The animals begin to fret.

A week late, the first tree is cut down,
The animals watch with  a frown.
Five, twenty five, fifty, hundred,
The number rises each day, and so does the money they gain, they said.

What did the animals do,,
To have this ado,
To put their lives in turmoil-
Their homes uprooted from the soil?

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