Saturday, March 9, 2013



You’ve heard of the princess and her famous pea?
Well, this is the true tale of the Parrot and the Pea,
Green and squawky as you can see!

The parrot was always speaking-
Talking, squawking, gawking and commenting-

He rolled his eyes at the Prince in his unflattering yellow shirt,
‘NOT Charmed, I’m sure,’
He sighed as the Queen wore to dinner her stained green skirt,
‘Dear, Oh, Dear!”
He scorned the king and his new law,
‘Oh, what a bore!’
He laughed when the carpenter’s new invention had a flaw,
‘Throw this out the door!’
He smirked when the butler wore a pink polka-dotted tie,
‘That doesn’t even match, I fear!’
He sneered when the cook put in the stew Mozzarella instead of Brie,
‘This I cannot endure!’
He grinned as  off came the dressmakers’ wig,
‘ So funny, at it, I cannot peer!’
He giggled as the armorer gave the king a butter knife to test,
‘That won’t please the king, it is clear!”

So when the palace writer wished to write a tale on the pea,
It was agreed by everyone to cut off the parrot, you see,
So to do this they did conspire,
Oh, a thing so dire!
For before the parrot came as you can see,
No one had heard of the pea!
And from the parrot only had they heard,
That the pea existed and was a vegetable, not bird!
It was the parrot who flew in with a pea's sample
Which the kingdom now grew and traded in ample!
So to cut off the parrot himself how could they dare?
Don’t you agree that it is unfair?

So out went the critical parrot,
As agreed by the whole lot,
And in came a Princess,
With pretty cloaks and silken dresses,
With flowers in her long golden tresses,
Do you know what the parrot said?
When he heard of the princess and the supposed pea she felt in her bed?
‘Oh dearie me! Out of perfectly good stories, they do make such messes!’

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