Sunday, January 6, 2013

Chicken Run

Chicken Run

They tore my wings out,
Threw me about,
My legs broke, part by part.

My beak drooped,
My eyes swollen,
Around my neck,
a chain was looped.

We were trapped in a cage-
As I saw my siblings pulled out of their rack,
Never to come back,
Burned inside me unquenchable rage!

I knew one day,
My time would come,
That, I hoped,
Would never come!

I was terrified when the PETA came,
But they took me out of the horrible place,
though I was hurt and lame.

They helped me become the strong chick I am today,
I thank the almighty, every day,
That I was saved from the slaughter cart.
I’m happy now-
But still, somehow,
The chicken factory broke my heart.

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