Saturday, March 10, 2012


(Which animal can i be?)

Jess was always in a mess-
The sparrows thought she was a pest, 
always messing with their nest.
The monkeys thought she was mad,
The lions thought she was bad.
So what animal could she be?
So Jess decided to see,
which animal was she.

So she travelled far and wide,
saw mountains and ocean tide,
she saw swiss cows chewing cud,
‘But,” she thought, “I don’t roll in mud,”
then she saw a crow,
flying to and fro.
“But,” she thought, “I can’t fly, Oh, no!”
“I’ll never find out which animal am I!
It, I believe, is hopeless to try!”

So she wandered,
thought, and pondered,
“Hey! Want some Hay?”
said a horse, speaking norse.
“but,” she thought, “I cannot eat hay! Nay!”
So she went on, looking remorse, till,
she came to a  white pelican with a big bill
sitting on a window ledge,
“But,” she thought, ‘I cannot sit on a window sill!”
So Jess wandered past a hedge, 
a waterfall,
and a shopping mall,
till she reached  a building,
In front of which stood a man holding,
Creatures which looked like her,
with a snout, ears and fur!
They ate her favorite food-
Big white bones!
“Oh!” she thought , “Perhaps I could,
be with them and stay in their homes.”

Suddenly, the man caught her,
tied her and brought her,
to a big room with animals like her,
even with the same colored fur!
“Well,” she asked, “Where can I be?”
“In our home,” said the others.
“Look out the window, you will see!”
so Jess looked  and saw,
“What? There’s only a marshy bog, surrounded by fog!”
“Really? Anyway, you are a dog!”
“A dog?” 
“Can I stay with you?” asked Jess
“Yes, for we are few!” they replied.
“Yes!” Jess cried
And so she stayed,
for the rest of her days,
With the other dogs in the house in the fog
In the middle of a marshy bog.

-Devanshika Bajpai

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